Dienstag, Juli 15, 2008

It's been 3 years since my last post on this blog. I would say it seems like just yesterday, but no, 3 years seems about right. Hopefully I'll be able to update this regularly, but don't count on it. Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes . . . 

I'm scared of my toilet. Four times over the weekend it has vomited soap bubbles uncontrollably like a college student with a bad hangover. I called ALBA about it, but somehow they just thought it was my fault. 

"What are you doing to it before it, as you put it, farts soap bubbles?" the woman on the other line asked me.
"Nothing!" I screamed back, knee deep in toilet suds. 
"Well, if it still flushes it isn't an emergency. You'll have to call us back on Monday."
"It's 2 A.M. on a Saturday morning, my toilet has a hangover, and you want me to call back on Monday?!"
"Yes *click*"

I was not amused. It was someone from upstairs, I know it. I heard water coming through the pipes as they flushes the toilet, used the dishwasher, or whatever it was they were doing, then all of a sudden, bam: party at my house. Now all I need is some laser lights and a bunch of potheads. This, my friends, is German efficiency at its worst.